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Journal Article
Feldacker, Caryl, Michael Emch, and Susan Ennett.
The who and where of HIV in rural Malawi: Exploring the effects of person and place on individual HIV status
Health \& Place 16, no. 5 (2010): 996-1006.
Journal Article
Godlonton, Susan, and Malcolm Keswell.
The impact of health on poverty: Evidence from the South African Integrated Family Survey
South African Journal of Economics 73, no. 1 (2005): 133-148.
Journal Article
Rutenberg, Naomi, and Susan Watkins.
The buzz outside the clinics: conversations and contraception in Nyanza Province, Kenya
Studies in Family Planning (1997).
Journal Article
Sunil, T.S., and V.K. Pillai.
Sterility in Zambia
Annals of human biology 29, no. 4 (2002): 414-421.
Working Paper
Godlonton, Susan, and Justine Burns.
Social networks, employment and worker discouragement: Evidence from South Africa
Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit , no. 06/06 (2006).
Journal Article
Burns, Justine, Susan Godlonton, and Malcolm Keswell.
Social networks, employment and worker discouragement: Evidence from South Africa
Labour Economics 17, no. 2 (2010): 336-344.
Journal Article
Burns, Justine, Susan Godlonton, and Malcolm Keswell.
Social networks, employment and worker discouragement: Evidence from South Africa
Labour Economics 17, no. 2 (2010): 336-344.
Journal Article
Kohler, Hans-peter, Jere Behrman, and Susan Watkins.
Social networks and HIV/AIDS risk perceptions
Demography 44, no. 1 (2007): 1-33.
Working Paper
Thornton, Rebecca, Agatha Bula, Kondwani Chavula, Simona Bignami-van Assche, and Susan Watkins.
Reactions to voluntary counseling and testing in rural Malawi
On-Line Working Paper Series, California Center for Population Research, UC Los Angeles (2008).
Book Section
Crankshaw, Own, and Susan Parnell.
Race, inequality and urbanisation in Johannesburg region, 1946-1996
World cities beyond the West: globalization, development, and inequality (2004).
Journal Article
Kandala, Ngianga-Bakwin, Paul Brodish, Bates Buckner, Susan Foster, and Nyovani Madise.
Millennium development goal 6 and HIV infection in Zambia: what can we learn from successive household surveys?
AIDS (London, England) 25, no. 1 (2011): 95-0.
Journal Article
Poulin, Michelle, Kathryn Dovel, and Susan C Watkins.
Men with money and the “vulnerable women” client category in an AIDS epidemic
World Development (2016).
Kasedde, Susan.
Long-term and permanent family planning methods in Uganda
: USAID, 2000.
Journal Article
Beall, Jo, Owen Crankshaw, and Susan Parnell.
Local government, poverty reduction and inequality in Johannesburg
Environment and Urbanization 12, no. 1 (2000): 107-122.
Journal Article
Feldacker, Caryl, Susan T Ennett, and Ilene Speizer.
It's not just who you are but where you live: An exploration of community influences on individual HIV status in rural Malawi
Social Science \& Medicine (2011).
Journal Article
Watkins, Susan, Eliya Zulu, Hans-Peter Kohler, and Jere Behrman.
Introduction to: Social interactions and HIV/AIDS in rural Africa
Demographic Research (2003).
Working Paper
Moses, Susan.
How space and place matters? Perspectives from Girls Growing up in a Cape Town Neighbourhood created under Apartheid
CSSR Working Paper , no. 136 (2005).
Journal Article
Watkins, Susan, and Ina Warriner.
How do we know we need to control for selectivity?
Demographic Research, Special Collection 1, no. 4 (2003): 109-142.
Journal Article
Behrman, Jere R, Hans-Peter Kohler, and Susan Cotts Watkins.
How can we measure the causal effects of social networks using observational data? Evidence from the diffusion of family planning and AIDS worries in South Nyanza District, Kenya
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Working Paper (2001).
Journal Article
Ziehl, Susan.
How accurate is our migration data?
Journal Article
Thurstans, Susan, Marko Kerac, Kenneth Maleta, Theresa Banda, and Anne Nesbitt.
HIV prevalence in severely malnourished children admitted to nutrition rehabilitation units in Malawi: geographical & seasonal variations a cross-sectional study
BMC pediatrics 8, no. 1 (2008): 22-0.
Journal Article
Parker, Erin M, and Susan E Short.
Grandmother coresidence, maternal orphans, and school enrollment in sub-Saharan Africa
Journal of Family issues 30, no. 6 (2009): 813-836.
Okwero, Peter, Ajay Tandon, Susan Sparkes, Julie McLaughlin, and Johannes G Hoogeveen.
Fiscal space for health in Uganda
Washington, DC, USA: World Bank Publications, 2010.
Journal Article
Munkombwe, Brian, and Susan Choolwe-Mulenga.
Donor effects on gender-based responses to HIV/AIDS
Journal Article
Averett, Susan L, Nicholas Stacey, and Yang Wang.
Decomposing race and gender differences in underweight and obesity in South Africa
Economics & Human Biology (2014).
Godlonton, Susan, Rebecca Thornton, and Alister Munthali.
Behavioral Response to Information? Circumcision, Information, and HIV Prevention
Journal Article
Alderman, Harold, Jere R Behrman, Hans-Peter Kohler, John A Maluccio, and Susan Cotts Watkins.
Attrition in longitudinal household survey data: some tests for three developing country samples
World Bank (Policy Research Working Paper) , no. 2447 (2000).
Journal Article
Alderman, Harold, Jere R Behrman, Hans-Peter Kohler, John A Maluccio, and Susan Cotts Watkins.
Attrition in longitudinal household survey data: Some tests for three developing country samples
Demographic Research 5, no. 4 (2001): 79-124.
Journal Article
Pillai, Vijayan K, T.S. Sunil, and Rashmi Gupta.
AIDS prevention in Zambia: Implications for social services
World Development 31, no. 1 (2003): 149-161.
Working Paper
De Villiers, Susan.
A people’s government, the people’s voice: a review of public participation in the law and policy-making process in South Africa
Institute for Democracy in Africa (2001).
Showing 1-30 of 30