Donor effects on gender-based responses to HIV/AIDS

Type Journal Article
Title Donor effects on gender-based responses to HIV/AIDS
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2008
Page numbers 0-0
URL paper Series/Donor Effects on Gender-HIV Response in​Zambia_WPS 2008-1.pdf
Twenty years into fighting the HIV/AIDS pandemic, Zambia still faces the challenge of high HIV/AIDS prevalence rates amongst women. Of the total 16% of the adults living with HIV/AIDS, 17.8% are women and 12.9% for men. 1 The infection rates are more prevalent among young women in the reproductive age group of 15 to 19 years. About 8% of boys and 17% of girls aged 15-24 are living with HIV. The burden of care for HIV/AIDS patients also weighs heavily on women than men. In response to the high HIV/AIDS incidences, Zambia has received large amounts of external HIV/AIDS funding over the last five years to scale up prevention, treatment and care activities from various donor organizations. The study was therefore meant to assess the extent to which the three main donor, the Global Fund, World Bank MAP and PEPFAR funded programs are addressing the gender- related vulnerabilities of the HIV/AIDS. The study, which mainly employed the qualitative methods of data collection, collected data at three levels; a) national and donor policy and strategic thinking; b) program implementation; c)and beneficiaries and potential beneficiaries. The study focused mainly on PMTCT and OVC programs as these programs were determined to be relatively well-defined and active programs (inside and outside the health sector, respectively) in the country. Two districts identified to have the presence of the both OVC and PMTCT programs supported by at least one of the three donors were purposively selected to provide the information at the respective levels. National level: The Government of Zambia has recognized the need to more to effectively address the gender issues that perpetuate the dominance of male interests and lack of self-assertiveness on the part of women in sexual relations and put especially both women and men at risk of HIV infection and this commitment has been backed by institutional Reponses such as the establishment of the National AIDS Council and adoption of the National Gender Policy (NGP) and Strategies for implementation of the NGP. The commitment has also been highlighted in key national documents such as the Fifth National Development Plan (FNDP) and National HIV/AIDS Strategic Framework. However, there is need for translation of these national policy commitments into action points that specifically address the needs of women/ girls and men/ boys as well as the gender related vulnerabilities of HIV/AIDS.

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