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Africa, Cherrel J, Christie Jennifer, Mattes Robert, Roefs Marelene, and Taylor Helen.
Crime and community action : Pagad and the Cape Flats, 1996-1997
Cape Town, South Africa: Idasa, 1998.
Journal Article
Mattes, Robert, Helen Taylor, and Cherrel Africa.
Judgement and choice in the 1999 South African election
Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies 26, no. 2 (1999): 235-247.
Book Section
Mattes, Robert.
National identity and democracy in Africa
Do diverse social identities inhibit nationhood and democracy? (1999).
Working Paper
Mattes, Robert, Yul D Davids, and Cherrel Africa.
Views of democracy in South Africa and the region: Trends and comparisons
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 8 , no. 8 (2000).
Working Paper
Bratton, Michael, and Robert Mattes.
Support for democracy in Africa: Intrinsic or instrumental?
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 1 , no. 1 (2000).
Working Paper
Bratton, Michael, and Robert Mattes.
Democratic and market reforms in Africa: What ‘the people’ say
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 5 , no. 5 (2000).
Conference Paper
Mattes, Robert, Michael Bratton, Yul D Davids, and Cherrel Africa.
Public opinion and the consolidation of democracy in southern Africa
Afrobarometer Paper No.7 .
Working Paper
Mattes, Robert, Michael Bratton, Yul D Davids, and Cherrel Africa.
Public opinion and the consolidation of democracy in Southern Africa
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 7 , no. 7 (2000).
Working Paper
Bratton, Michael, and Robert Mattes.
Popular economic values and economic reform in Southern Africa
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 10 , no. 10 (2001).
Journal Article
Mattes, Robert, and Jessica Piombo.
Opposition parties and the voters in South Africa's general election of 1999
Democratization 8, no. 3 (2001): 1-29.
Journal Article
Bratton, Michael, and Robert Mattes.
Africans' surprising universalism
Journal of Democracy 12, no. 1 (2001): 107-121.
Working Paper
Chaligha, Amon, Robert Mattes, Michael Bratton, and Yul D Davids.
Uncritical citizens or patient trustees? Tanzanians’ views of political and economic reform
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 18 , no. 18 (2002).
Working Paper
Whiteside, Alan, Robert Mattes, Samantha Willan, and Ryann Manning.
Examining HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa through the eyes of ordinary Southern Africans
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 21 , no. 21 (2002).
Working Paper
Pereira, Joao C, Yul D Davids, and Robert Mattes.
Mozambicans’ views of democracy and political reform: A comparative perspective
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 22 , no. 22 (2002).
Journal Article
Bratton, Michael, and Robert Mattes.
Support for economic reform? Popular attitudes in Southern Africa
World Development 31, no. 2 (2003): 303-323.
Journal Article
Mattes, Robert, Christiaan Keulder, Annie B Chikwanha, Cherrel Africa, and Yul D Davids.
Democratic governance in South Africa: The people's view
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 24 , no. 24 (2003).
Working Paper
Mattes, Robert, Michael Bratton, and Yul D Davids.
Poverty, survival and democracy in Southern Africa
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 23 , no. 23 (2003).
Working Paper
Norris, Pippa, and Robert Mattes.
Does ethnicity determine support for the governing party?
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 26 , no. 26 (2003).
Working Paper
Pereira, Joao, Ines Raimundo, Annie Chikwanha, Alda Saute, and Robert Mattes.
Eight years of multiparty democracy in Mozambique: The public's view
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 30 , no. 30 (2003).
Working Paper
Gay, John, and Robert Mattes.
The state of democracy in Lesotho: A report on the 2003 Afrobarometer survey
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 32 , no. 32 (2004).
Working Paper
Mattes, Robert.
Understanding identity in Africa: A first cut
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 38 , no. 38 (2004).
Working Paper
Mattes, Robert.
Voter information, government evaluations and party images, 1994-2004
CSSR Working Paper , no. 2004/89 (2004).
Bratton, Michael, Robert Mattes, and E Gyimah-Boadi.
Public opinion, democracy and market reform in Africa
Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Working Paper
Mattes, Robert, and Doh C Shin.
The democratic impact of cultural values in Africa and Asia: The cases of South Korea and South Africa
CSSR Working Paper no. 128 , no. 128 (2005).
Working Paper
Mattes, Robert, and Carlos Shenga.
Uncritical citizenship in a low-information society: Mozambicans in comparative perspective
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 91 , no. 91 (2007).
Journal Article
Mattes, Robert.
The material and political bases of lived poverty in Africa: Insights from the Afrobarometer
Barometers of Quality of Life Around the Globe (2009).
Working Paper
Michael, Bratton,, and Robert Mattes.
Neither consolidating nor fully democratic: The evolution of African political regimes, 1999-2008
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper No. 67 (2009).
Working Paper
Mattes, Robert, Francis Kibirige, and Robert Sentamu.
Understanding citizens attitudes to democracy in Uganda
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 124 , no. 124 (2010).
Book Section
Mattes, Robert.
Opinion polls and the media
Opinion Polls and the Media in South Africa (2012).
Journal Article
Mattes, Robert, and Shaheen Mozaffar.
The life and work of Joel Barkan: Legislatures and democratic development in Africa
African Studies Review Forum (2017).
Showing 1-30 of 30