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Thesis or Dissertation
Thomas, Viktor.
A conceptual and empirical investigation into measuring aspects of urban food security in 12 Southern African cities
Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2011.
Working Paper
Wolf, Thomas P, Carolyn Logan, Jeremiah Owiti, and Paul Kiage.
A new dawn? Popular optimism in Kenya after the transition
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 33 , no. 33 (2004).
Journal Article
Isbell, Thomas.
A no-confidence vote? Mozambicans still vote, but faith in democracy is slipping
Afrobarometer Dispatch No. 139 (2017).
Journal Article
Balk, Deborah, Thomas Pullum, Adam Storeygard, Fern Greenwell, and Melissa Neuman.
A spatial analysis of childhood mortality in West Africa
Population, Space and Place 10, no. 3 (2004): 175-216.
Working Paper
van den Brink, Rogier, Glen Thomas, Hans Binswanger, John Bruce, and Frank Byamugisha.
Consensus, confusion, and controversy: Selected land reform issues in Sub-Saharan Africa
World Bank Research Working Paper , no. 71 (2006).
Journal Article
Gundersen, Craig, Thomas Kelly, and Kyle Jemison.
Demand for schooling among orphans in Zimbabwe
Research in the Sociology of Education (2006).
Moller, Valeria, and Monica Ferreira.
Getting by… benefits of non-contributory pension income for older South African households
Cape Town, South Africa: Institute of Ageing in Africa,, 2003.
Thesis or Dissertation
Harris, Thomas.
Household electricity access and households dynamics: insights into the links between electricity access and household dynamics in South Africa between 2008 and 2012
Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2016.
Journal Article
Prost, Marc-André, Andreas Jahn, Sian Floyd Floyd, Hazzie Mvula, Eleneus Mwaiyeghele, Venance Mwinuka, Thomas Mhango, Amelia Crampin, Nuala McGrath, Paul Fine, and Judith.
Implication of new WHO growth standards on identification of risk factors and estimated prevalence of malnutrition in rural Malawian infants
PloS one 3, no. 7 (2008): e2684-0.
Journal Article
Zere, Eyob, Doyin Oluwole, Joses M Kirigia, Chris N Mwikisa, and Thomas Mbeeli.
Inequities in skilled attendance at birth in Namibia: A decomposition analysis
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 11, no. 34 (2011): 0-0.
Working Paper
Brunori, Paolo, Francisco H Ferreira, and Pedro Salas-Rojo.
Inherited inequality: a general framework and an application to South Africa
International Inequalities Institute Working Paper (2023).
Working Paper
Logan, Carolyn, Thomas P Wolf, and Robert Sentamu.
Kenyans and democracy: What do they really want from it anyway?
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 70 , no. 70 (2007).
Journal Article
Orkin, F., Olivia Qaba, and Thomas Mafela.
Living in the Eastern Cape: Selected findings of the 1995 October Household Survey
Statistics South Africa (1998).
Thesis or Dissertation
Huigen, Thomas.
Multidimensional poverty measurement in theory and in practice, with an application to South Africa
Master's thesis, Ku Leuven , 2015.
Journal Article
Kirsch G, Thomas.
Performing the common good: Volunteering and ethics in non-state crime prevention in South Africa
Africa 87, no. 3 (2017): 496-512.
Working Paper
Brunori, Paolo, Francisco H Ferreira, and Vito Peragine.
Prioritarianism and equality of opportunity
LSE Working Papers , no. 60 (2021).
Book Section
Brunori, Paolo, Francisco H Ferreira, and Vito Peragine.
Prioritarianism in Practice
11 - Prioritarianism and Equality of Opportunity (2022).
Journal Article
Gameel, Bahaa, Shuning Lu, Hyeri Jung, and Thomas J Johnson.
Putting out fire with gasoline in Tahrir square: Revisiting the gamson hypothesis
International Journal of Communication (2017).
Journal Article
Jacobs, David, and Thomas Isbell.
Rejoining the AU, Moroccans bring decidedly mixed attitudes toward regional integration
Afrobarometer Dispatch No. 137 (2017).
Journal Article
Gunderson, Craig, and Thomas Kelly.
School Attendance and Educational Enrollment for Maternal Orphans in Zimbabwe: An Instrumental Variables Approach
Journal of African Development 10, no. 1 (2008): 33-50.
Journal Article
Kopf, Andreas, and Thomas Isbell.
Senegal’s corruption court seen as building trust in government, but credibility weakened by bias
Afrobarometer Dispatch No. 136 (2017).
Working Paper
Ferreira, Thomas, Wendy Stone, Emile Vercuil, Marna Lourens, Nolwandle Made, and Thuli Madonsela.
Small area estimation for South African resource distribution and policy impacts during COVID-19 [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]
AAS Open Research 5, no. 17 (2022).
Shisana, Olive, Leickness Simbayi, Thomas Rehle, Warren Parker, Khangelani Zuma, Arvin Bhana, Cathy Connolly, Sean Jooste, and Victoria Pillay.
South African national HIV prevalence, HIV incidence, behaviour and communication survey, 2005
Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC Press, 2008.
Fox, Louise, Alun Thomas, and Clearly Haines.
Structural transformation in employment and productivity: What can Africa hope for?
: International Monetary Fund, 2017.
Journal Article
Oduro, Abraham R, David J Fryauff, Kwadwo Koram, William O Rogers, Francis Anto, Frank Atuguba, Thomas Anyorigiya, Martin Adjuik, Patrick Ansah, Abraham Hodgson, and Francis Nkrumah.
Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine-based intermittent preventive treatment, bed net use, and antenatal care during pregnancy: demographic trends and impact on the health of newborns in the Kassena Nankana District, northeastern Ghana
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 83, no. 1 (2010): 79-89.
Working Paper
Monnier, Thomas.
The informality trade-off: Wages and rural-urban migration in South Africa
Machingaidze, Thomas, Patrick Pfukani, and Sibangani Shumba.
The quality of education: Some policy suggestions based on a survey of schools: Zimbabwe
Paris, France: International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) / UNESCO, 1998.
Journal Article
Okonofua, Friday E, Diana Harris, Adetanwa Odebiyi, Thomas Kane, and Rachel C Snow.
The social meaning of infertility in Southwest Nigeria
Health Transition Review (1997).
Journal Article
Lutalo, Thomas, Medi Kidugavu, Maria Wawer, David Serwadda, Laurie Zabin, and Ronald Gray.
Trends and determinants of contraceptive use in Rakai District, Uganda, 1995--98
Studies in Family Planning 31, no. 3 (2000): 217-227.
van Huyssteen, Thomas.
Trends in E-Cigarette and Heated Tobacco Product Use in Urban South Africa
Cape Town, South Africa: Tobacco Control Data Initiative; REEP; Development Gateway, 2022.
Showing 1-30 of 30