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Working Paper
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Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Cook, Caylee J, Steven J Howard, Hleliwe Makaula, Rebecca Merkley, Mbulelo Mshudulu, Nosibusiso Tshetu, Gaia Scerif, and Catherine E Draper. "Risk and protective factors for executive function in vulnerable South African preschool-age children." Journal of Cognition 7, no. 1 (2024).
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Draper, Catherine E, Caylee J Cook, Steven J Howard, Hleliwe Makaula, Rebecca Merkley, and Mbulelo Mshudulu. "Social Ecological Factors Influencing Children's School Readiness in Low-Income South African Communities." Early Education and Development 0, no. 0 (2024): 1-17.
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