
Showing 1-30 of 30
May, Julian, Chantell Witten, and Lori Lake. South African Child Gauge 2020: Food and nutrition security. Cape Town, South Africa: 2020 Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town, 2020.
Journal Article
Serumaga-Zake, Philip A E, and Willem Naude. "Labour market discrimination in the North West province of South Africa." Development Southern Africa 18, no. 5 (2001): 671-682.
Journal Article
Serumaga-Zake, Philip A E, and Willem A Naude. "Determinants of labour force participation in the North West province of South Africa." Development Southern Africa 20, no. 4 (2003): 505-514.
Journal Article
Todes, Alison, Dylan Weakley, and Philip Harrison. "Densifying Johannesburg: Context, policy and diversity." Journal of Housing and the Built Environment (2017).
Journal Article
Carter, Michael R, and Julian May. "One kind of freedom: Poverty dynamics in post-apartheid South Africa." World Development 29, no. 12 (2001): 1987-2006.
Conference Paper
Case, Anne. "Health, income and economic development." Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics,Washington D.C, May 2001, . Washington, United States, 2001.
Working Paper
Deininger, Klaus W, and Julian D May. "Can there be growth with equity: an initial assessment of land reform in South Africa." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2451, no. 2451 (2000): 0-0.
May, Julian. Poverty and Inequality in South Africa: Meeting the Challenge. Cape Town, South Africa: David Philip, 2000.
Conference Paper
May, Julian. "An improved data set for demographic research: The KwaZulu-Natal income dynamics Survey (KIDS) 3rd Wave." Forum on African development and poverty reduction. Somerset West, South Africa, 2004.
Working Paper
May, Julian, and Michael Carter. "Agriculture: Analysis of the NIDS Wave 1 dataset." NIDS Discussion Paper no. 6 (2009).
Journal Article
Maluccio, John, Lawrence Haddad, and Julian May. "Social capital and household welfare in South Africa, 1993-98." The Journal of Development Studies 36, no. 6 (2000): 54-81.
Journal Article
May, Julian, and Benjamin Roberts. "Panel data and policy analysis in South Africa: Taking a long view." Social Dynamics 27, no. 1 (2001): 96-199.
Conference Paper
May, Julian, Ingrid Woolard, and Stefan Klasen. "The nature and measurement of poverty and inequality." Poverty and inequality in South Africa: Meeting the challenge. 2000.
May, Julian, Michael R Carter, and Dori Posel. The composition and persistence of poverty in rural South Africa: An entitlements approach. Johannesburg, South Africa: Land and Agriculture Policy Centre, 1995.
Journal Article
Maluccio, John, Lawrence Haddad, and Julian May. "Social capital and household welfare in South Africa, 1993–98." The Journal of Development Studies 36, no. 6 (2000): 54-81.
Adato, Michelle, Robert Carter, and Julian May. Sense in sociability?: Social exclusion and persistant poverty in South Africa. 2004.
Working Paper
May, Julian, and Ingrid Woolard. "Poverty traps and structural poverty in South Africa: Reassessing the evidence from KwaZulu-Natal." Chronic Poverty Research Centre Working Paper , no. 82 (2007).
Book Section
Hunter, Nina, and Julian May. "Aging and Health in Africa." Ageing in post-Apartheid South Africa: An analysis of the (2013).
Journal Article
May, Philip A, Barbara Tabachnick, Julie m Hasken, and Anna-Susan Marais. "Who is most affected by prenatal alcohol exposure: Boys or girls?." Drug and Alcohol Dependence (2017).
Journal Article
Naude, Willem, and Philip Serumaga-Zake. "An analysis of the determinants of labour force participation and unemployment in South Africa's North-West province." Development Southern Africa 18, no. 3 (2001): 261-278.
Working Paper
Keefer, Philip. "The ethnicity distraction? Political credibility and partisan preferences in Africa." Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 118 , no. 118 (2010).
Journal Article
Hatcher, Abigail, Jacques de Wet, Christopher Philip Bonell, Vicki Strange, Godfrey Phetla, Paul M. Proynk, Julia C. Kim, Linda Morison, John D. H. Porter, Joanna Busza, Charlotte Watts, and James R. Hargreaves. "Promoting critical consciousness and social mobilization in HIV/AIDS programmes: lessons and curricular tools from a South African intervention." Health Education Research 26, no. 3 (2011): 542-555.
Journal Article
Philip, Kate. "The rationale for an employment guarantee in South Africa." Development Southern Africa 29, no. 01 (2012): 177-190.
Journal Article
Engmann, Cyril, Paul Walega, Raymond A Aborigo, Philip Adongo, Cheryl A Moyer, Layla Lavasani, John Williams, Carl Bose, Fred Binka, and Abraham Hodgson. "Stillbirths and early neonatal mortality in rural Northern Ghana." Tropical Medicine & International Health 17, no. 3 (2012): 272-282.
Working Paper
Kohler, Iliana, Philip Anglewicz, Hans-Peter Kohler, John McCabe, Ben Chilima, and Beth Soldo. "Evaluating health and disease in Sub-Saharan Africa: minimally invasive collection of plasma in the Malawi Longitudinal Study of Families and Health (MLSFH)." Population Studies Center Working Paper Series , no. 12-05 (2012).
Working Paper
Hoddinott, John, Stephen Devereux, Philip White, Stephan Klasen, Ingrid Woolard, Harold Alderman, Ousmane Badiane, John Ulimwengu, and Fleur Wouterse. "Social protection in West Africa: The status quo, lessons from other regions, implications for research." WCAO Thematic Research Note 3 , no. 3 (2012).
Journal Article
Lieberman, Evan, Philip Martin, and Nina McMurry. "When Do Strong Parties “Throw the Bums Out”? Competition and Accountability in South African Candidate Nominations." Studies in Comparative International Development (2021).
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