Version Notes
Version 1:
Version 1 of the survey made no attempt to classify children according to whether they are in child labour or not, but rather identified children who are involved in economic activities.
Version 1.1:
Version 1.1 of the survey included new weights for comparability with SAYP 2015. Additionally, as part of the revision process, Stats SA included a set of indicator variables to measure child labour which are in compliance with the Child Labour Program Action (CLPA) that is administered by the the Department of Labour in South Africa. The indicators are derived from questions in the SAYP 2010 and computed as outlined below:
Indicator1 - Where a child appeared to be doing work prohibited by Basic Conditions of employment Act (BCEA)
Derived from a logical series of questions: Paid work (Q31CUNPDWRK_LSTW), Unpaid work (Q31CUNPDWRK_LSTW), Paid work (Q32APDWRK_YR), Unpaid work (Q32CUNPDWRK_YR), Time (Q31ATIME_LSTW), Time (Q31CTIME_LSTW) and Age (Q13Age).
Indicator2 - Where a child appear to have worked long hours on all types of work combined
Derived from a logical series of questions: Paid work (Q31CUNPDWRK_LSTW), Time (Q31ATIME_LSTW), Own business (Q31BBOWBUSNS_LSTW), Time (Q31BTIME_LSTW), Unpaid work (Q31CUNPDWRK_LSTW), Time (Q31CTIME_LSTW), Do farm work (Q51AFARMWRK_W), Time (Q51ATIME), Fetch water (Q51BFETCHWATER_W), Time (Q51BTIME), Fetch wood/dung (Q51CFETCHWOOD_W), Time (Q51CTIME), Produce goods (Q51DPRODHHGDS_W), Time (Q59DTIME), Do construction (Q51ECONSTRUC_W), Time (Q59ETIME), Catch food (Q51FCATCHFOOD_W), Time (Q59FTIME), Cooking (Q71ACOOK), Cleaning (Q71BCLEAN), Washing clothes (Q71CLAUNDRY), Caring for children (Q71DCHILDMIND), Do maintenance (Q71EMAINTENANCE), Went to shops (Q71FSHOP), Other (Q71GOTHR), Time (Q72TIME), Cleaning at school (Q75ACLEAN), Maintenance (Q75BMAINTENANCE), Work in garden (Q75CGARDEN), Help teacher with marking (Q75DMARK), Help teacher at home (Q75EHOUSE), Other (Q75FOTHR) and Time (Q76TIME).
Indicator3 - Where a child was doing ‘market activities’ that interfered with schooling
Derived from a logical series of questions: Currently attending school or educational institution (Q22Attend), Paid work (Q31CUNPDWRK_LSTW), Unpaid work (Q31CUNPDWRK_LSTW), Own business (Q31BBOWBUSNS_LSTW), Paid work (Q32APDWRK_YR), Own business (Q32BOWNBUSNS_YR), Unpaid work (Q32CUNPDWRK_YR) and Hours worked (Q33TIME_YR).
Indicator4 - Where a child appeared to be absent from school or experienced difficulties at school because of work-related activities
Derived from a logical series of questions: Absent from school (Q25Miss_Day), Main reason absent (Q26Miss_Rsn) and Number of days absent (Q27Daysabsent).
Indicator5 - Where a child was doing hazardous work
Derived from a logical series of questions: Non market activities (Q60WORK), Injury (Q62INJURED), Prevent from work (Q63PREVWRK), Explosives (Q6110CHEM), Working at night (Q6111NIGHT), Carry heavy loads (Q6112HEAVY) and Operate any machinery (Q6113MACHINERY).
Child_Labour - Involvement in at least one form of child labour
Derived from response to at least one of the options in the indicators: Indicator1, Indicator2, Indicator3, Indicator4 and Indicator 5.