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Journal Article
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Conference Paper
Hirschowitz, Ros, and Mark Orkin. "Monitoring living conditions and poverty in South Africa." United Nations Statistical Commission Expert Group Meeting on Poverty Statistics. Santiago, Chile, May, 1997.
Sussman, Mark, Likeleli Komane, and Ros Hirschowitz. Living in Mpumalanga: Selected findings of the 1995 October Household Survey. South Africa: Central Statistics, 1998.
Hirschowitz, Ros, and Mark Orkin. Living in South Africa: Selected findings of the 1995 October Household Survey. Pretoria, South Africa: Statistics South Africa, 1998.
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Journal Article
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Conference Paper
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Conference Paper
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Journal Article
Gastrow, Peter, and Mark Shaw. "In search of safety: Police transformation and public responses in South Africa." Daedalus 130, no. 1 (2001): 259-275.
Journal Article
Shaw, Mark, and Peter Gastrow. "Stealing the show? Crime and its impact in post-apartheid South Africa." Daedalus 130, no. 1 (2001): 235-258.
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Journal Article
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Working Paper
Wittenberg, Martin, and Mark Collinson. "Restructuring of households in rural South Africa: Reflections on average household size in the agincourt sub-district 1992-2003." Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit (Revised draft) , no. 12 (2008).
Journal Article
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Book Section
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Wittenberg, Martin, Mark Collinson, and Tom Harris. "Decomposing changes in household measures: Household size and services in South Africa, 1994–2012." Demographic Research 37, no. 39 (2017): 1297-1326.
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit, Mark Hunter, and Stephanie Rudwick. "Revisiting the prevalence of English: Language use outside the home in South Africa." Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (2020).
Working Paper
Hunt, Xanthe, Elsie Breet, Dan J Stein, and Mark Tomlinson. "The COVID-19 pandemic, hunger, and depressed mood among South Africans." NIDS-CRAM Working Paper (2021).
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit, and Mark Hunter. "Living alone in the age of freedom: The paradox of solo households in postapartheid South Africa." Population, Space and Place n/a, no. n/a (2022): 1-11.
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