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South Africa: Second Investment Climate Assessment improving the business environment for job creation and growth
1th ed. Vol. 1. Washington DC, United States of America: World Bank, 2010.
United Republic of Tanzania: Poverty reduction strategy paper - Annual implementation report 2006/07
: International Monetary Fund, 2008.
Conference Paper
Draft common country programme United Republic of Tanzania 200200 (2011-2015)
Drafy Country Programmes.
Johannesburg, South Africa, 2011.
Conference Paper
Agadjanian, Victor, and Ndola Prata.
Trends in Angola's fertility
United Nations Workshop on Fertility Decline for High Fertility Countries.
New York, USA, July 9-11, 2001.
Journal Article
Aggarwal, Rimjhim, Sinaia Netanyahu, and Claudia Romano.
Access to natural resources and the fertility decision of women: The case of South Africa
Environment and Development Economics 6, no. 02 (2001): 209-236.
Working Paper
Anriquez, Gustavo.
Long-term rural demographic trends
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations Working Paper (2007).
Journal Article
Beall, Jo, Owen Crankshaw, and Susan Parnell.
Local government, poverty reduction and inequality in Johannesburg
Environment and Urbanization 12, no. 1 (2000): 107-122.
Beckmann, Sabine, and Pallavi Rai.
HIV/AIDS, work and development in the United Republic of Tanzania
Geneva, Switzerland: ILOAIDS, 2004.
Book Section
Bhorat I, Haroon.
The next 25 years – affirmative action in higher education in the United States and South Africa
Higher education and the labour market in post-apartheid South Africa (2009).
Journal Article
Crankshaw, Owen, and Jacqueline Borel-Saladin.
Does deindustrialisation cause social polarisation in global cities?
Environment and Planning A 46, no. 8 (2014): 1852-1872.
Journal Article
Cronje, Christian J, and Manfred Spocter.
Open-plan suburb to fortified suburb: Home fortification in Soneike, Cape Town, South Africa
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 32, no. 124 (2016): 1-20.
Conference Paper
Hirschowitz, Ros, and Mark Orkin.
Monitoring living conditions and poverty in South Africa
United Nations Statistical Commission Expert Group Meeting on Poverty Statistics.
Santiago, Chile, May, 1997.
Journal Article
Ibeanu, V.N.
Nutrient intake of children (36months) fed fermented foods in urban and rural communities in Anambra and Enugu States, Nigeria
Journal of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Extension 5, no. 2 (2007): 0-0.
Conference Paper
Katapa, Rosalia Sam.
Gender statistics in Tanzania
The Third United Conference on the Least Developed Countries.
Brussels, Belgium, May 15, 2001.
Conference Paper
Kruger, Tinus.
Building safer communities – reducing crime through environmental planning and design
World Congress on Housing Transforming Housing Environments through Design.
Pretori, South Africa, September , 2005.
Journal Article
Kruger, Tinus, and Karina Landman.
Crime and the physical environment in South Africa: Contextualizing international crime prevention experiences
Built Environment 34, no. 1 (2008): 75-87.
Working Paper
Maseru, L.
United Nation Development Assistance Framework 2008-2012 (2007).
Journal Article
Nattrass, Nicoli.
Understanding the origins and prevalence of AIDS conspiracy beliefs in the United States and South Africa
Sociology of Health and Illness 35, no. 1 (2012): 113-129.
Working Paper
Teacher resourcefulness in under-resource English language teaching-learning environments
Journal Article
Parnell, and Crankshaw.
The politics of ‘race’and the transformation of the post-apartheid space economy
Journal of Housing and the built Environment 28, no. 4 (2013): 589-603.
Journal Article
Ralston, Margaret.
The role of older persons’ environment in aging well: Quality of life, illness, and community context in South Africa
The Gerontologist 0, no. 0 (2017): 1-10.
Journal Article
Rohrer L, R.
Drug development in paediatric cancers in the United States: 1940s to the present
Archives of Disease in Childhood 101, no. Suppl 1 (2016): A159-A160.
Working Paper
Schotte, Simone.
Structural poverty dynamics in urban South Africa
United Nations University UNU-WIDER Working Papers , no. 2019/100 (2019).
Schulz-Herzenberg, Charlotte.
State of the nation South Africa 2007
Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC Press, 2007.
Journal Article
Shai, Kgothatso B, and Tawanda S Nyawasha.
A critical appraisal of the post-cold war United States of America’s foreign policy towards Kenya: An afrocentric perspective
Commonwealth Youth and Development 14, no. 2 (2017): 151-169.
Working Paper
Tibesigwa, Byela, and Martine Visser.
Small-holder farming, food security and climate change in South Africa: Male-female and urban-rural differences
Environment for Development Discussion Paper Series 16-07 , no. 16-07 (2016).
Tobias, Scott.
Enabling environment assessment for scaling up sanitation programs: Tanzania
Tanzania: Water and Sanitation Program, 2008.
United Nations Environment,.
Global Environment Outlook – GEO-6: Healthy planet, healthy people: Chapter 16 Freshwater policy
Nairobi: United Nations Environment, 2019.
United Nations Statistical Division,.
Guide to producing statistics on time use: Measuring paid and unpaid work
New York, United States: United Nations, 2005.
Journal Article
Wakou, Betty, and Patricia A Bell.
An examination of the combined effects of maternal characteristics, environment and treatment programs on the prevalence of diarrhea amongst infants and children in Uganda
Population Review 44, no. 2 (2005): 50-62.
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