
Showing 1-3 of 3
Working Paper
Burger, Ronelle, Lungiswa Nkonki, Russell Rensburg, Anja Smith, and Cari van Schalkwyk. "Examining the unintended health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa." NIDS-CRAM Working Paper Series , no. 3 (2020).
Working Paper
Burger, Ronelle, Lungiswa Nkonki, Anja Smith, Russell Rensburg, and Cari van Schalkwyk. "Measuring the public health cost of COVID-19 control efforts." NIDS-CRAM Working Paper , no. 3 (2020).
Working Paper
Burger, Ronelle, Candy Day, Nicola Deghaye, Lungiswa Nkonki, Russel Rensburg, Anja Smith, and Cari V Schalkwyk. "Examining the unintended consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on public sector health facility visits: The first 150 days." NIDS-CRAM Insight Briefs Series , no. 16 (2020).
Showing 1-3 of 3