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van Walbeek, Corne, Rob Hill, Samantha Filby, and Kirsten Van der Zee.
Market impact of the COVID-19 national cigarette sales ban in South Africa
Conference Paper
Vellios, Nicole, and Corne van Walbeek.
Determinants of smoking initiation in South Africa
Economic Society of South Africa 2013 Biennial Conference.
Bloemfontein, South Africa, September, 2013.
Journal Article
Vellios, Nicole, and Corne van Walbeek.
Determinants of regular smoking onset in South Africa using duration analysis
BMJ Open (2016).
Book Section
van Walbeek, Corne, and Evan Blecher.
Effectiveness of tax and price policies for tobacco control
Tax, price and aggregate demand for tobacco products (2011).
Journal Article
Mukong, Alfred, Corne Van Walbeek, and Hana Ross.
Lifestyle and income-related inequality in health in South Africa
International Journal for Equity in Health 16, no. 103 (2017).
Journal Article
Rankin, Neil, Volker Schoer, C. Sebastiao, and Corne Van Walbeek.
Predictors of academic performance : National Senior Certificate versus National Benchmark Test
South African Journal of Higher Education 26, no. 3 (2012): 564-585.
Journal Article
Kruger, Lara, Corne van Walbeek, and Nichole Vellios.
Waterpipe and Cigarette Smoking among University Students in the Western Cape, South Africa
American Journal of Health Behavior 40, no. 4 (2016): 416-426.
Journal Article
Riley, Shaun, Nicole Vellios, and Corne van Walbeek.
An economic analysis of the demand for cannabis: Some results from South Africa
Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy (2019).
Working Paper
Gitonga, Zachary, Nicole Vellios, and Corne van Walbeek.
The effect of cigarette price changes on smoking prevalence by gender: the case of South Africa
ERSA Working Paper , no. 859 (2021).
Journal Article
van der Zee, Kirsten, Corné van Walbeek, and Sibahle Magadla.
Illicit/cheap cigarettes in South Africa
Trends in Organized Crime (2019).
Journal Article
Stacey, Nicholas, Corné van Walbeek, Mashekwa Maboshe, Aviva Tugendhaft, and Karen Hofman.
Energy drink consumption and marketing in South Africa
Preventive Medicine (2017).
Journal Article
Vellios, Nicole, Corné Van Walbeek, and Hana Ross.
Illicit cigarette trade in South Africa: 2002-2017
Tobacco Control (2019).
van Walbeek, Corné, and Grieve Chelwa.
Using price-based interventions to reduce abusive drinking in the Western Cape Province
Journal Article
Lubbe, Melissa, Corne van Walbeek, and Nichole Vellios.
The Prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Its Impact on a Child’s Classroom Performance: A Case Study of a Rural South African School
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14, no. 8 (2017).
Journal Article
Little, Megan, and Corne van Walbeek.
Restaurant smoking sections in South Africa and the perceived impact of the proposed smoke-free laws: Evidence from a nationally representative survey
South African Medical Journal 108, no. 3 (2018): 240-244.
Journal Article
Vellios, Nicole, Corne van Walbeek, and Hana Ross.
Measuring the illicit cigarette market in the absence of pack security features: A case study of South Africa
Tobacco Control (2021).
Journal Article
Filby, Sam, Kirsten van der Zee, and Corne Walbeek.
The temporary ban on tobacco sales in South Africa: lessons for endgame strategies
Tobacco Control (2021).
Journal Article
Chingosho, Rutendo, Chengetai Dare, and Corné Walbeek.
Tobacco farming and current debt status among smallholder farmers in Manicaland province in Zimbabwe
Tobacco Control (2020).
Journal Article
Esho, Tammary, Steven Van Van Wolputte, and Paul Enzlin.
The socio-cultural-symbolic nexus in the perpetuation of female genital cutting: a critical review of existing discourses
Afrika Focus 24, no. 2 (2011): 53-70.
Altman, Miriam, Howard Harris, Andries van der Linde, Dave Fleming, Rob Davies , and Dirk van Seventer.
Electricity pricing and supply with special attention to the impact on employment and income distribution
: Human Sciences Research Council, 2011.
Working Paper
van der Berg, Servaas, Gabrielle Wills, Rebecca Selkirk , Charles Adams , and Chris van Wyk.
The cost of repetition in South Africa
Stellenbosch Economic Working Papers: WP13/2019 (2019).
Journal Article
van der Zee, Kirsten, Nicole Vellios, Corné van Walbeek, and Hana Ross.
The illicit cigarette market in six South African townships
Tobacco Control (2020).
Book Section
van der Zee, Kirsten, and Corné van Walbeek.
Confronting illicit tobacco trade : A global review of country experiences
Chapter 19: Botswana, Lesotho, and South Africa: An analysis of alcohol and cigarette prices in Maseru, Gaborone, and neighboring South African towns (2019).
Working Paper
van der Zee, Kirsten, Sibahle Magadla, and Corné van Walbeek.
An analysis of cheap cigarettes in South Africa
SALDRU Working Paper (2019).
Journal Article
van der Zee, Kirsten, and Corné Van Walbeek.
Interactions between ENDS and cigarette use: evidence from a 2022 national telephone survey in South Africa
Tobacco Control (2024).
van den Berg, Wessel, and Tawanda Makusha.
State of South Africa’s fathers 2018
Cape Town: Sonke Gender Justice & Human Sciences Research Council, 2018.
Journal Article
Vellios, Nicole, and Corne van Walbeeck.
Self-reported alcohol use and binge drinking in South Africa: Evidence from the National Income Dynamics Study, 2014 - 2015
South African Medical Journal 108, no. 1 (2017): 33-39.
Journal Article
Dare, Chengetai, Micheal K Boachie, Ernest N Tingum, S M Abdullah, and Corné van Walbeek.
Estimating the price elasticity of demand for cigarettes in South Africa using the Deaton approach
BMJ Open 11, no. 12 (2021).
Journal Article
Filby, Samantha, Corné Van Walbeek, and Liping Pan.
Cigarette excise tax structure and cigarette prices in nine sub-Saharan African countries: evidence from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey
Tobacco Control (2022).
Journal Article
Filby, Samantha, Corné Van Walbeek, and Liping Pan.
Cigarette excise tax structure and cigarette prices in nine sub-Saharan African countries: evidence from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey
Tobacco Control (2022).
Showing 1-30 of 30