Inclusive economies: Findings from the GCRO's Quality of Life survey 7 (2023/24)

Type Report
Title Inclusive economies: Findings from the GCRO's Quality of Life survey 7 (2023/24)
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2024
Publisher Gauteng City-Region Observatory (GCRO)
City Johannesburg
Country/State South Africa
Over the last three decades various efforts have been made to support employment and economic growth in South Africa. In various planning documents, the government has identified inclusive growth and job creation as key priorities (National Planning Commission, 2012; Gauteng Provincial Government, 2020). The purpose of this Data Brief is to present key findings from the Quality of Life 7 (2023/24) Survey (QoL 7) related to the economy to provide an understanding of the nature and extent of challenges facing Gauteng residents.

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