Effects of local climate conditions on household consumption: A Case of South Africa

Type Conference Paper - Summer Field School on Mountain Ecosystems & Resource Management
Title Effects of local climate conditions on household consumption: A Case of South Africa
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2023
Country/State Hungary
URL https://www.grassrootsglobal.net/mer2023/schedule/1.1_PPT_Calvin.pdf
We examined the relationship between household poverty (measured by household per capita consumption) and local climate
conditions (defined as local variability in temperature and rainfall) in South Africa. The spatial geographical arrangement of South Africa shows that different places experience different climatic conditions ranging from flooding and very cold temperatures to extremely high temperatures. In SA poverty is more prevalent in rural than urban areas (due to aparithed spatial arrangement, homelands) (Mudiriza and Edwards, 2021; Kwenda, Ntuli and Mudiriza, 2021). The relationship between poverty and regional specific factors such as climatic conditions which vary by regions in SA has received little attention. Western Cape, for example, has experience drought, waterborne diseases, Rift Valley Fever and schistosomiasis, due to global warming that manifests through extreme climatic conditions. Females are more likely to be in poverty when compared to males (education, jobs, responsibilities, discrimination etc) (M. Biyase et al., 2017).

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