Evergreen background methodological paper to valuing the invaluable: The paid and unpaid contributions of women and men to health and care work

Type Working Paper - Lancet
Title Evergreen background methodological paper to valuing the invaluable: The paid and unpaid contributions of women and men to health and care work
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2023
Page numbers 1-39
URL https://www.tomateloapecho.org.mx/Pdfs/LCWH_Valuing_the_invaluable_evergreen_methods.pdf
This is a living document, also known as an evergreen document or dynamic document, that is continually edited and updated, evolving through successive updates to the original methodology for valuing paid and unpaid health contributions developed and published in the Lancet Commission on Women and Health (LCW&H) and will be expanded as needed. Revision may not reference all previous iterative changes but originates with the Supplement to: Langer A, Meleis A, Knaul FM, et al. Women and Health: the key for sustainable development. Lancet 2015; published online June 5. Each version of this document that is linked to a specific publication will be marked as such and maintained as record. Data tables are available upon request from the authors.

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