The teacher labour market and pay: How does it compare to other professions?

Type Working Paper - Research on Socioeconomic Policy (RESEP) Working Paper
Title The teacher labour market and pay: How does it compare to other professions?
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2022
Page numbers 1-37
The aim of the analysis presented in this paper is to provide an overview of the teacher labour market in South Africa using household survey data, with a view to adding empirical evidence for the period 2012 - 2017 to complement that for 2000 - 2007. The first objective is to describe the teacher workforce in terms of age, gender, racial classification, and educational attainment, with a view to determining whether these have shifted over time. This is followed by an empirical analysis of how teacher pay
compares with that of non-teaching professions in the South African labour market, as well as pay within the private and public sectors more generally, and among professionals specifically.

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