Factors that influence household food security in Hamburg and Melani, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Type Journal Article - African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development
Title Factors that influence household food security in Hamburg and Melani, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Volume 0
Issue 0
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2021
Page numbers 1-9
URL https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/
Food is one of the essential areas of service delivery required for a household’s wellbeing and development. Against this background, the literature suggests a high level of food insecurity among rural households in South Africa. Thus far, this study has investigated drivers of household-level food insecurity. Data were collected from 283 randomly selected respondents from Melani and Hamburg communities using a structured questionnaire. An ordered logit regression model was used to investigate drivers of household food insecurity. Descriptive statistics results revealed that most of the respondents from the study areas were food secure to mildly food secure (Melani-inland -73\%; Hamburg-coastal -77.5\%). The findings suggest that overall, the two communities were food secure. Econometrics results further revealed that factors like gender, household size, energy security, access to credit, farming, land ownership, and being able to afford to pay for water influence food insecurity of households in Melani and Hamburg. Therefore, to reduce household food insecurity, the study recommends that priority should be given to these socio-economic and institutional factors. This could be through improving gender and cultural policies which restrict women from generating income, training households about credit usage, and family planning to limit household sizes.

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