Causes and consequences of schooling outcomes in South Africa: Evidence from survey data

Type Journal Article - Social Dynamics
Title Causes and consequences of schooling outcomes in South Africa: Evidence from survey data
Volume 27
Issue 1
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2001
Page numbers 37-59
This paper surveys a number of important facts about education in South Africa that have been demonstrated by survey data. Much
of the discussion focuses on lessons drawn from large national household surveys such as the OHS. We also draw on smaller specialized surveys that have been designed to answer specific questions that cannot be readily analyzed with surveys like the OHS. We do not attempt to provide a complete survey of the very extensive literature on education in South Africa. Rather we draw heavily on research that we have been involved in ourselves, including some of our own data collection projects, summarizing
key conclusions of that research and pointing out some of the strengths and limitations of household survey data for studying education.

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