The Political Economy of Inequality: U.S. and Global Dimensions

Type Book Section - Why Has Income Inequality Increased while Education Inequality Has Decreased in Many Developing Countries?
Title The Political Economy of Inequality: U.S. and Global Dimensions
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2020
Page numbers 79-116
Publisher W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
City Kalamazoo
Country/State MI
The contributors to this book discuss a variety of forms of social inequality which include large gaps in accumulated assets, discrepancies in access to quality education, unstable family life, lack of access to banking services, poor employment prospects, lack of health care services, and underrepresentation for political and legal matters. Together, they show how these forms of inequality are interrelated with income inequality and that, taken together, they pose the risk for societal and political unrest should they be left unresolved.

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