Implementing the waste management hierarchy: Applying the SASCOST model to determine indicative costs of separation at source

Type Working Paper - General science, engineering & technology
Title Implementing the waste management hierarchy: Applying the SASCOST model to determine indicative costs of separation at source
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2018
The SASCOST model is a tool for comparing the costs and benefits of alternative options for implementing a Separation at Source (S@S) recycling programme. S@S is a crucial step in implementing the waste management hierarchy. The model can be used by municipalities as a Decision Support Tool to identify the most cost-effective option for implementing S@S in different areas; based on the specific context of each area. In this paper, we apply the model to provide some indicative information on the unit costs of implementing S@S in a range of different municipal contexts, as well as the total cost of rolling out S@S nationwide. The results indicate that the cost of implementing S@S varies significantly depending on the type of collection system (post separation, truck and trailer, separate vehicle or ‘rich bag’), and on the type of municipality. For example, based on hypothetical data, the additional cost of implementing a separate vehicle system ranges from R17 per household per month (Category A municipalities), to R60 per household per month (Category B4 municipalities); based purely on financial costs. Aggregating these costs to the national level, the results suggest that the costs of rolling out S@S nationwide would range from approximately R4 billion to R6.2 billion, depending on the type of collection system. However, there are also some benefits and savings associated with S@S, which should also be taken into account in decision making. In particular, when socio-economic and environmental impacts are included, there is a big swing toward all systems yielding significant net benefits.

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