Private sector participation (PSP) in peri-urban and rural sanitation : A case study of “SanPlat promotion in Tanzania”

Type Journal Article - International Water and Sanitation Centre
Title Private sector participation (PSP) in peri-urban and rural sanitation : A case study of “SanPlat promotion in Tanzania”
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2004
Page numbers 0-0
URL SanPlat-alfred-Final040330.pdf
With 98 and 86% of the total population in urban and rural areas respectively in Tanzania served with sanitation facilities (WHO/AFRO, 2000, TWSSFS, 2003), coverage seems good. However, the suitability of those facilities is yet another issue. Many latrines are built without proper design, materials and technical assistance in high water table areas resulting into poor and collapsed structures, creating hygienic problems rather than sanitary solutions. Latrine slabs are often difficult to clean and unsafe to users. In the 1990s, Environmental Engineering and Pollution Control Organization (EEPCO) - supported by UNICEF - chose the Sanitation Platform (SanPlat) as one of the sustainable solutions for a latrine slab. The main aims of promoting the SanPlat were to improve the condition of the present and new latrines, and the hygienic conditions. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) were involved in the production and sale of the SanPlat slabs for peri-urban and rural settings. They received theoretical training and on-the-job-training for slab production before starting their business. By 2002, 418 trainees had attended these workshops. Many of the trainees have left the job while they trained others who took over the job. Assessment revealed that in the period 1995-2003 SanPlat slabs improved the latrine conditions of some 23% of the rural and peri-urban study areas where the SanPlat promotion was done and artisans were trained. The municipal actions against the informal sector also affected the sales points of SanPlat slabs.

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