Determinants of Child Nutrition in Malawi

Type Journal Article - South African Journal of Economics
Title Determinants of Child Nutrition in Malawi
Volume 76
Issue 4
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2008
Page numbers 628-640
This paper investigates factors that determine child malnutrition in Malawi. Measuring child nutrition using anthropometric measures, the study finds that child malnutrition worsens with age until a certain critical age beyond which it starts to improve and that boys are more at risk than girls. We also find evidence that child malnutrition is more prevalent in children that fall sick regularly and in households that draw water from a well, protected or not. In addition, children who come from households that have mother/female household heads who are economically empowered, in terms of being in salaried employment or working in a family business, tend to be better nourished.

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