Detecting health consequences of environmental shocks in Ghana

Type Working Paper
Title Detecting health consequences of environmental shocks in Ghana
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2010
Page numbers 0-0
This paper examines the impact of environmental shocks on children’s health status in Ghana, using information on region and dates of birth, and shock location, and using GPS information on household clusters within the shock region. Findings reveal that after controlling for birth region and cohort, household, maternal and environmental control factors, children from both poor and non-poor households, born during the shock in the region are negatively a?ected, with reduced height. The additional risk factors included as controls, are carefully chosen using a novel structured variable selection not used before in child health literature. Further, shock speci?cations as robustness checks, that include the whole state as shock region, instead of identifying a?ected clusters, yields a larger estimate of treatment impact, pointing to a possible aggregation bias

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