Value |
Category |
-1 |
Missing data |
0 |
Nothing |
1 |
Lack of food |
2 |
Lack of shelter |
3 |
Lack of clothing |
4 |
Lack of money |
5 |
Low living standards |
6 |
Lack of social amenities |
7 |
Lack of education/knowledge |
8 |
Lack of employment/jobs |
9 |
Low levels of health |
10 |
Powerlessness |
11 |
Living in substandard neighborhood |
12 |
Any life-threatening situation |
13 |
No child/spouse/unable to marry a wife |
14 |
Comparison between self and others, inability to meet expect |
15 |
Lack of entertainment (newspaper,TV,Radio,Video) |
16 |
Psychological status/mental health |
17 |
Exploitive labor (e.g. child labor, prostitution, etc) |
18 |
Lack of agricultural inputs (land/fertilizers/seeds) |
19 |
Race (associates black with poverty) |
20 |
Laziness/person who won't work |
21 |
Lack of family/social support network |
22 |
Inability to meet obligations/family responsibilities |
23 |
Beggar/destitute |
24 |
Unreligious |
25 |
A farmer |
26 |
Poverty (undifferentiated/unspecified) |
27 |
No water |
28 |
No electricity |
29 |
No cattle or livestock |
30 |
No land |
31 |
No vehicle/car |
32 |
In debt |
33 |
To have too many children to support |
34 |
To be a single parent |
35 |
To be old/a pensioner |
36 |
To depend on or revert to crime |
37 |
To only live for today/live day-to-day/no future planning |
38 |
To depend on domestic work/manual labor |
39 |
To have to rely on others for help |
40 |
Low social status/no community standing |
41 |
Street children/living on the street |
42 |
To be an alcoholic or drug addict |
43 |
Unable to contribute to the country |
49 |
Drought/lack of rain |
50 |
Lack of everything/not having anything |
51 |
Handicapped |
52 |
Racism/Suffering from discrimination |
53 |
Without love or affection |
54 |
To be sad, miserable, poor of spirit |
55 |
To have lots of problems or difficulties |
56 |
Lack of opportunities or possibilities |
57 |
Lack of common sense, foolish, or poor planning |
58 |
A natural condition/something one is born to |
59 |
A national problem/caused by government or its policy |
60 |
Lack of assets/property/wealth |
61 |
Lack of school fees |
62 |
Insecurity, lack of peace |
63 |
Being rural |
64 |
Income below a certain level |
65 |
Can't afford luxuries |
81 |
Orphan/have no parents |
162 |
Rural women |
165 |
Lack of equipment for production |
169 |
Chetif |
170 |
Having misfortune, bad luck |
180 |
Lack of Firewood |
181 |
Lack of Businesses/Markets |
182 |
Poor Agric |
995 |
Other |
996 |
No further answer |
998 |
Refused to answer |
999 |
Don't know |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.