Value |
Category |
-1 |
Missing |
0 |
Never had a job |
1 |
Farmer (produces only for home consumption) |
2 |
Farmer (produces surplus for sale) |
3 |
Farmer (produces mainly for sale) |
4 |
Farm worker |
5 |
Fisherman |
6 |
Trader/Hawker/Vendor |
7 |
Businessperson |
8 |
Professional Worker (e.g., lawyer, accountant, nurse, etc.) |
9 |
Supervisor/Foreman |
10 |
Clerical Worker |
12 |
Miner |
14 |
Domestic Worker/Maid/Char/Househelp |
15 |
Teacher |
16 |
Government Worker |
17 |
Armed Services/Police/ Security Personnel |
18 |
Student |
19 |
Housewife/Works In the Household |
22 |
Retail worker |
23 |
Artisan/skilled manual worker - formal sector |
24 |
Artisan/skilled manual worker - informal sector |
25 |
Unskilled manual in the formal sector |
26 |
Unskilled manual worker in the informal sector |
27 |
Driver |
50 |
Marine/sailor |
60 |
Traditional healer |
160 |
Agent of NGO |
161 |
Local leader/chief/headman |
162 |
Eleveur/cattle breeder |
180 |
Skilled textile factory worker |
181 |
Unskilled textile factory worker |
260 |
Youth corper/national service |
261 |
Clergyman/priest/paster |
262 |
Motor cyclist/okada man |
263 |
Apprentice |
380 |
Religious leader |
381 |
Pastoralist |
382 |
Catering/cook/chef |
990 |
Unemployed |
991 |
Retired |
992 |
Disabled |
993 |
Anything |
995 |
Other |
998 |
Refused |
999 |
Don't know |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.