Value |
Category |
-1 |
Missing data |
0 |
Nothing |
1 |
Religion |
2 |
Ethnic/tribal differences |
3 |
Exclusion from political leadership |
4 |
Political party disputes |
5 |
Political leadership disputes |
6 |
Personal properties / inheritance |
7 |
Natural resources |
8 |
Boundary or land disputes |
9 |
Economic problems |
10 |
Social deprivation |
11 |
Traditional leadership disputes |
12 |
Location of local government centers |
13 |
Interpersonal/family matters |
14 |
Group conflict |
15 |
Corruption/illegal activity |
16 |
Labour/workplace disputes |
17 |
Sports supporters |
18 |
Human rights/legal issues/injustices |
19 |
Personal behaviors |
20 |
Crime |
21 |
Discrimination/inequality |
22 |
Politics/political issues |
23 |
Poor communications/misunderstandings |
24 |
Social issues (gay rights, prostitution) |
25 |
Overpopulation |
26 |
Lack of respect for elders or other people |
27 |
Unwanted children/orphans |
28 |
Business competition |
29 |
Loans/unpaid debts |
50 |
Alcoholism/drinking/alcohol |
51 |
Drugs/drug use |
52 |
Racism |
53 |
Lack of education/ignorance |
54 |
Envy/speaking badly/gossip |
55 |
Lack of respect for others/scorn/superiority |
56 |
Hate |
60 |
Poor leadership |
61 |
Bad governance |
62 |
Disagreements/difference of opinion |
63 |
Lack of cooperation/disunity/mistrust |
64 |
Insecurity/instability, availability of weapons |
65 |
Gender issues |
66 |
Witchcraft |
67 |
Income distribution/gap between rich and poor |
68 |
Greed |
70 |
Animals/livestock |
71 |
International relations |
72 |
Disease |
86 |
Cultural differences |
90 |
Immigration (including illegal) |
120 |
Problems over women |
167 |
Problems over water |
168 |
Fate/destiny |
171 |
Decentralization |
176 |
Fighting for other things |
180 |
Stock Theft |
260 |
Problems over fuel/petrol/oil (scarcity, prices, etc.) |
263 |
Employment/unemployment |
320 |
Abuse of women and children |
380 |
Rent/housing issues |
381 |
Competition for transport routes |
382 |
Political incitement (deliberate instigation of conflict) |
383 |
Terrorism |
384 |
Hawkers/street vendors fights |
385 |
Intermarrage (between ethnic groups) |
386 |
Student unrest |
387 |
Vigilant groups |
995 |
Other |
996 |
No further reply |
997 |
Not applicable |
998 |
Refused to answer |
999 |
Don't know |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.