Value |
Category |
1110 |
Legislators |
1120 |
Senior government officers |
1141 |
Senior officers of political party organisations |
1210 |
Directors and chief executives |
1221 |
Production and operations managers/department managers in agriculture; hunting; forestry; fishing and mining |
1222 |
Production and operations managers/department managers in manufacturing |
1224 |
Production and operations managers/department managers in wholesale and retail trade |
1225 |
Production and operations managers/department managers in hotels; restaurants and other catering and accommodation services |
1226 |
Production and operations managers/department managers in transport; storage and communications |
1227 |
Production and operations managers/department managers in business services |
1228 |
Production and operations managers/department managers in personal care; cleaning and related services |
1229 |
Production and operations managers/department managers not elsewhere classified |
1231 |
Finance and administration managers/department managers |
1232 |
Personnel and industrial relations managers/department managers |
1233 |
Sales and marketing managers/department managers |
1234 |
Advertising and public relations managers/department managers |
1235 |
Supply and distribution managers/department managers |
1236 |
Computing services managers/department managers |
1239 |
Other managers/department managers not elsewhere classified |
1311 |
General managers in agriculture; hunting; forestry and fishing |
1312 |
General managers in manufacturing |
1313 |
General managers in construction |
1314 |
General managers in wholesale and retail trade |
1315 |
General managers of hotels; restaurants and other catering or accommodation services |
1316 |
General managers in transport; storage and communication |
1317 |
General managers of business services |
1390 |
General managers not elsewhere classified |
2111 |
Physicists and astronomers |
2113 |
Chemists |
2114 |
Geologists and geophysicists |
2131 |
Computer systems designers and analysts |
2132 |
Computer programmers |
2141 |
Architects; town and traffic planners |
2142 |
Civil engineers |
2143 |
Electrical engineers |
2144 |
Electronics and telecommunications engineers |
2145 |
Mechanical engineers |
2146 |
Chemical engineers |
2147 |
Mining engineers; metallurgists and related professionals |
2148 |
Cartographers and surveyors |
2190 |
Physical; mathematical and engineering science professionals not elsewhere classified |
2210 |
Scientist |
2211 |
Biologists; botanists; zoologists and related professionals |
2213 |
Agronomists; food scientists and related professionals |
2221 |
Medical professions |
2224 |
Pharmacists |
2230 |
Nursing and midwifery professionals |
2310 |
Technikon; teacher training; technical and other colleges; university and other higher education institutions teaching professionals |
2320 |
Secondary education teaching professionals |
2331 |
Primary education teaching professionals |
2332 |
Pre-primary education teaching professionals |
2340 |
Special education teaching professionals |
2351 |
Education methods specialists |
2411 |
Accountants and related accounting occupations |
2412 |
Personnel and careers professionals |
2419 |
Business professionals not elsewhere classified |
2421 |
Advocates; attorneys and related occupations |
2422 |
Judges and magistrates |
2429 |
Legal professionals not elsewhere classified |
2432 |
Librarians and related information professionals |
2444 |
Philologists; translators and interpreters |
2446 |
Social work professionals |
2451 |
Authors; journalists and other writers |
2452 |
Sculptors; painters and related artists |
2455 |
Film; stage and related actors and directors |
2460 |
Religious professionals |
3111 |
Natural science technicians |
3112 |
Civil engineering technicians |
3113 |
Electrical engineering technicians |
3114 |
Electronics and telecommunications engineering technicians |
3115 |
Mechanical engineering technicians |
3116 |
Chemical engineering technicians |
3117 |
Mining and metallurgical technicians |
3121 |
Computer assistants |
3122 |
Computer equipment operators |
3131 |
Photographers and image and sound recording equipment operators |
3132 |
Broadcasting and telecommunications equipment operators |
3142 |
Ships' deck officers and pilots |
3145 |
Air traffic safety technicians |
3151 |
Building and fire inspectors |
3152 |
Safety; health and quality inspectors |
3211 |
Life science technicians |
3213 |
Farming and forestry advisers/consultants |
3221 |
Medical assistants |
3222 |
Sanitarians |
3224 |
Optometrists and opticians |
3225 |
Dental assistants |
3226 |
Physiotherapists and related associate professionals |
3228 |
Pharmaceutical assistants |
3229 |
Modern health associate professionals (except nursing) not elsewhere classified |
3231 |
Nursing associate professionals |
3232 |
Midwifery associate professionals |
3241 |
Traditional medicine practitioners |
3310 |
Primary education teaching associate professionals |
3320 |
Pre-primary education teaching associate professionals |
3330 |
Special education teaching associate professionals |
3340 |
Other teaching associate professionals |
3391 |
Teaching associate professionals not elsewhere classified |
3411 |
Securities and finance dealers and brokers |
3412 |
Insurance representatives |
3413 |
Estate agents |
3414 |
Travel consultants and organisers |
3415 |
Technical and commercial sales representatives |
3416 |
Buyers |
3423 |
Employment agents and labour contractors |
3424 |
Statistical, mathematical and related associate professionals |
3429 |
Business services agents and trade brokers not elsewhere classified |
3431 |
Administrative secretaries and related associate professionals |
3432 |
Legal and related business associate professionals |
3433 |
Bookkeepers |
3449 |
Customs; tax and related government associate professionals not elsewhere classified |
3450 |
Police inspectors and detectives |
3460 |
Social work associate professionals |
3471 |
Decorators and commercial designers |
3472 |
Radio; television and other announcers |
3473 |
Street; nightclub and related musicians; singers and dancers |
3475 |
Athletes; sportspersons and related associate professionals |
3479 |
Art; entertainment and sport associate professionals not elsewhere classified |
4111 |
Stenographers and typists |
4113 |
Data entry operators |
4114 |
Calculating-machine operators |
4115 |
Secretaries |
4121 |
Accounting and bookkeeping clerks |
4122 |
Statistical finance clerks |
4131 |
Stock clerks |
4132 |
Production clerks |
4133 |
Transport clerks |
4141 |
Library and filing clerks |
4142 |
Mail carriers and sorting clerks |
4143 |
Coding; proof-reading and related clerks |
4144 |
Scribes and related workers |
4190 |
Other office clerks and clerks not elsewhere classified (except customer services clerks) |
4211 |
Cashiers and ticket clerks |
4212 |
Tellers and other counter clerks |
4213 |
Bookmakers and croupiers |
4215 |
Debt-collectors and related workers |
4222 |
Receptionists and information clerks |
4223 |
Telephone switchboard operators |
4290 |
Customer services clerks not elsewhere classified |
5112 |
Transport conductors and transport occupations not elsewhere classified |
5113 |
Travel guides |
5121 |
Housekeepers and related workers |
5122 |
Cooks |
5123 |
Waiters; waitresses and bartenders |
5124 |
Operators; tavern; shebeen |
5131 |
Child-care workers |
5132 |
Institution-based personal care workers |
5133 |
Home-based personal care workers |
5139 |
Personal care and related workers not elsewhere classified |
5141 |
Hairdressers; barbers; beauticians and related workers |
5143 |
Undertakers and embalmers |
5161 |
Fire-fighters |
5162 |
Police officers; traffic officers |
5163 |
Prison guards |
5164 |
Armed forces |
5169 |
Protective services workers not elsewhere classified |
5220 |
Shop salespersons and demonstrators |
5230 |
Stall and market salespersons |
5231 |
Owner; spaza shop |
6111 |
Field crop and vegetable growers |
6112 |
Tree and shrub crop growers |
6113 |
Gardeners; horticultural and nursery growers |
6121 |
Dairy and livestock producers |
6122 |
Poultry producers |
6123 |
Apiarists and sericulturists |
6124 |
Mixed animal producers |
6129 |
Market-oriented animal producers and related workers not elsewhere classified (farm owners/owners) |
6130 |
Market-oriented crop and animal producers |
6141 |
Forestry workers and loggers |
6142 |
Charcoal burners and related workers |
6151 |
Aquatic life cultivation workers |
6152 |
Inland and coastal waters fishery workers |
6153 |
Deep-sea fishery workers |
6210 |
Subsistence agricultural and fishery workers |
6211 |
Subsistence farmers |
7111 |
Miners and quarry workers |
7112 |
Shot-firers and blasters |
7113 |
Stone splitters; cutters and carvers |
7114 |
Diamond divers |
7121 |
Builders; traditional materials |
7122 |
Bricklayers and stonemasons |
7123 |
Concrete placers; concrete finishers and related workers |
7124 |
Carpenters and joiners |
7129 |
Building frame and related workers not elsewhere classified |
7131 |
Roofers |
7132 |
Floor layers and tile setters |
7133 |
Plasterers |
7134 |
Insulation workers |
7135 |
Glaziers |
7136 |
Plumbers and pipe fitters |
7137 |
Building and related electricians |
7141 |
Painters and related workers |
7142 |
Varnishers and related painters |
7143 |
Building structure cleaners |
7190 |
Extraction and building trades workers not elsewhere classified |
7212 |
Welders and flamecutters |
7213 |
Sheet-metal workers |
7214 |
Structural-metal preparers and erectors |
7215 |
Riggers and cable splicers |
7221 |
Blacksmiths; hammersmiths and forging-press workers |
7222 |
Tool-makers and related workers |
7223 |
Machine-tool setters and setter-operators |
7224 |
Metal wheel-grinders; polishers and tool sharpeners |
7231 |
Motor vehicle mechanics and fitters |
7233 |
Agricultural or industrial machinery mechanics and fitters |
7241 |
Electrical mechanics and fitters |
7243 |
Electronics mechanics and servicers |
7244 |
Telegraph and telephone installers and servicers |
7245 |
Electrical line installers; repairers and cable jointers |
7290 |
Metal; machinery and related trades workers not elsewhere classified |
7311 |
Precision-instrument/instrument makers and repairers |
7312 |
Musical instrument makers and tuners |
7313 |
Jewellery and precious-metal workers |
7321 |
Abrasive wheel formers; potters and related workers |
7322 |
Glass-makers; cutters; grinders and finishers |
7323 |
Glass engravers and etchers |
7324 |
Glass; ceramics and related decorative painters |
7331 |
Handicraft workers in wood and related materials |
7332 |
Handicraft workers in textile; leather and related materials |
7341 |
Compositors; typesetters and related workers |
7343 |
Printing engravers and etchers |
7344 |
Photographic and related workers |
7411 |
Butchers; fishmongers and related food preparers |
7412 |
Millers; bakers; pastry-cooks and confectionery makers |
7413 |
Dairy products makers |
7414 |
Fruit; vegetable and related products preservers |
7415 |
Food and beverage tasters and graders |
7416 |
Tobacco preparers and tobacco products makers |
7421 |
Wood treaters |
7422 |
Cabinetmakers and related workers |
7423 |
Woodworking-machine setters and setter-operators |
7424 |
Basketry weavers; brush makers and related workers |
7432 |
Weavers; knitters and related workers |
7433 |
Tailors; dressmakers and hatters |
7434 |
Furriers and related workers |
7435 |
Textile; leather and related pattern-makers and cutters |
7436 |
Sewers; embroiderers and related workers |
7437 |
Upholsterers and related workers |
7441 |
Pelt dressers; tanners and fellmongers |
7442 |
Shoemakers and related workers |
7490 |
Other craft and related trades workers not elsewhere classified |
8111 |
Mining plant operators |
8112 |
Mineral-ore and stone-processing plant operators |
8121 |
Ore and metal furnace operators |
8122 |
Metal melters and casters and rolling-mill operators |
8123 |
Metal heat-treating plant operators |
8124 |
Metal drawers and extruders |
8131 |
Glass and ceramics kiln and related machine operators |
8141 |
Wood-processing plant operators |
8142 |
Paper-pulp plant operators |
8143 |
Papermaking-plant operators |
8151 |
Crushing; grinding and chemical-mixing machinery operators |
8152 |
Chemical-heat-treating plant operators |
8153 |
Chemical-filtering and separating-equipment operators |
8159 |
Chemical-processing plant operators not elsewhere classified |
8161 |
Power-production plant operators |
8162 |
Steam-engine and boiler operators |
8163 |
Incinerator; water-treatment and related plant operators |
8171 |
Automated assembly-line operators |
8211 |
Machine-tool operators |
8212 |
Cement and other mineral products machine-operators |
8222 |
Ammunition and explosive-products machine operators |
8223 |
Metal finishing; plating and coating machine operators |
8224 |
Photographic products machine operators |
8229 |
Chemical products machine operators not elsewhere classified |
8231 |
Rubber products machine operators |
8232 |
Plastic products machine operators |
8240 |
Wood products machine operators |
8251 |
Printing machine operators |
8252 |
Bookbinding machine operators |
8253 |
Paper-products machine operators |
8261 |
Fibre-preparing; spinning and winding-machine operators |
8262 |
Weaving and knitting machine operators |
8263 |
Sewing-machine operators |
8264 |
Bleaching; dyeing and cleaning-machine operators |
8265 |
Fur and leather-preparing machine operators |
8266 |
Shoemaking and related machine operators |
8269 |
Textile; fur and leather products machine operators not elsewhere classified |
8271 |
Meat and fish-processing machine operators |
8272 |
Dairy products machine operators |
8273 |
Grain and spice-milling machine operators |
8274 |
Baked goods; cereal and chocolate products machine operators |
8275 |
Fruit; vegetable and nut-processing machine operators |
8276 |
Sugar production machine operators |
8278 |
Brewers; wine and other beverage machine operators |
8279 |
Tobacco production machine operators |
8281 |
Mechanical machinery assemblers |
8282 |
Electrical equipment assemblers |
8283 |
Electronic equipment assemblers |
8284 |
Metal; rubber and plastic-products assemblers |
8285 |
Wood and related products assemblers |
8286 |
Paperboard; textile and related products assemblers |
8290 |
Other machine operators and assemblers not elsewhere classified |
8311 |
Locomotive engine drivers |
8312 |
Railway brakers; signallers; shunters and related workers |
8320 |
Driver; taxi |
8321 |
Motor cycle drivers |
8322 |
Car; taxi and van drivers |
8323 |
Bus and tram drivers |
8324 |
Heavy truck and lorry drivers |
8331 |
Motorised farm and forestry plant operators |
8332 |
Earth-moving and related plant operators |
8333 |
Crane; hoist and related plant operators |
8334 |
Lifting-truck operators |
8340 |
Ships' deck crews and related workers |
8888 |
Not applicable |
9111 |
Street food vendors and related workers |
9112 |
Street vendors; non-food products |
9120 |
Shoe cleaning and other elementary street services occupations |
9131 |
Domestic helpers and cleaners |
9132 |
Helpers and cleaners in offices; hotels and other establishments |
9133 |
Hand-launderers and pressers |
9141 |
Building caretakers |
9142 |
Vehicle; window and related cleaners |
9151 |
Messengers; package and luggage porters and deliverers |
9152 |
Doorkeepers; watchpersons and related workers |
9153 |
Vending-machine money collectors; meter readers and related workers |
9161 |
Garbage collectors |
9162 |
Sweepers and related labourers |
9190 |
Elementary sales and services occupations not elsewhere classified |
9211 |
Farmhands and labourers |
9212 |
Forestry labourers |
9213 |
Fishery; hunting and trapping labourers |
9311 |
Mining and quarrying labourers |
9312 |
Construction and maintenance labourers: roads; dams and similar constructions |
9313 |
Building construction labourers |
9321 |
Assembling labourers |
9322 |
Hand packers and other manufacturing labourers |
9331 |
Hand or pedal vehicle drivers |
9332 |
Drivers of animal-drawn vehicles and machinery |
9333 |
Freight handlers |
9999 |
Occupations unspecified |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.