Training Offered

Microdata and Metadata Management Workshops for Government Agencies

This workshop is for staff at government agencies who are responsible for preserving and managing agency data. The workshop is run in partnership with African governments or in collaboration with donor institutions such as United Nations agencies and the World Bank. Government agencies must adopt international standards for managing the data they collect, to be seen as trusted sources of data. This 5-day workshop trains data managers in government in best practices for handling administrative data, survey data and data from other sources. The DataFirst team installs data and metadata management software at the agency and trains staff in their application. The training will provide agencies with the tools to preserve and use their data and for cross-agency data exchange. The training will also enable agencies to create systems to share data with the academic community for policy research.

Workshop contents for National Statistics Agencies.


Microdata and Metadata Management Workshops for Research Institutions

This workshop is aimed at researchers and research support staff, including data managers and data librarians. Proper management of research data is vital both during the research process and for sharing data after project completion. DataFirst is the only internationally certified research data repository in Africa and in this workshop, we share lessons learned from 20 years of curating and disseminating data. The five-day workshop focuses on policies and methods for managing individual-level data through all the stages of the data Life-Cycle. The DataFirst team installs data and metadata management software to support data life-cycle management and trains researchers and research support staff in their application.

Workshop contents for Researchers.


Microdata and Metadata Management Workshops for Secure Research Data Centres

This workshop is for data managers at data centres responsible for restricted-access data in government agencies, universities, and research institutions. It is focused on institutions with a committed data sharing agenda to advance policy research, but whose data is potentially disclosive so needs to be shared under controlled conditions. This workshop trains data centre managers to set up secure centres and to use metadata management software for data discovery, as well as to employ best practices for handling and sharing restricted-access data.

Workshop contents for Secure Data Centres.


Workshop Fees

Workshops undertaken under UN and World Bank contracts are subject to standard UN and World Bank contract fees.

Please contact us for a breakdown of these fees. 

Our fee structure for direct training contracts not undertaken in collaboration with UN agencies or the World Bank is shown below.

DataFirst Training Fee Structure
Trainer/Training Role Daily Rate ZAR Preparation Days Training Days Total Rate per participant Total Cost Comment
Course Administration; Nesstar Metadata Application Installation; Microdata and Metadata Management Training 6219.00 3 5 49752.00 3000.00 62252.00* This is the total fee for MM training of 5 participants without NADA software installations or upgrades
National Data Archive (NADA) Data Platform Application Software Installation/Upgrade; NADA Customisation and Administration Training 5067.00 2 3 25335.00 2500.00 30335.00** This is the fee for the training of 2 IT staff or 1 IT staff plus 1 NADA Administrator

*This fee will be the total fee for 5 days of microdata and metadata management training for a maximum of 5 participants where the NADA platform installation is not required.

**This is the fee for training of 2 IT staff or 1 IT Staff plus 1 NADA Administrator

**This fee for NADA installations or upgrades plus 5 days of microdata and metadata management training for a maximum of 5 workshop participants. 


For further information contact Lynn Woolfrey, lynn.woolfrey[at]