Understanding Panel Survey Data

The aim of the course is to introduce students to the techniques used in the analysis of “cross sectional” panel data sets, such as the National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS). The course covers panel data management and descriptive analysis using panel data. The course then covers first differencing, fixed effects and random effects estimators as well as the construction and evaluation of transition matrices. Students will also be introduced to the problem of differential attrition. In all sections of the course, attention will be paid to becoming familiar with Stata. 

Prerequisites:  Course participants should be familiar with Stata and with basic statistical tools. Don't know Stata?  Have a look at our Introduction to Stata course.

Date: Next course will be in 2024

Course Instructor(s):  Nicola Branson and Emma Whitelaw

Course Fees:  R10 500.00.  Partial scholarships are available to students.

Closing Date:

This is a joint SALDRU and DataFirst course. We reserve the right to postpone or cancel this course due to lack of demand.