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Journal Article
Okonofua, Friday E, Diana Harris, Adetanwa Odebiyi, Thomas Kane, and Rachel C Snow.
The social meaning of infertility in Southwest Nigeria
Health Transition Review (1997).
Journal Article
Selo-Ojeme, D. O, and F. E Okonofua.
Risk Factors for Primary Postpartum Haemorrhage
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 259, no. 4 (1997): 179-187.
Journal Article
Okonofua, Friday E, Clifford Odimegwu, Helen Ajabor, Patrick H Daru, and Agnes Johnson.
Assessing the prevalence and determinants of unwanted pregnancy and induced abortion in Nigeria
Studies in Family Planning 30, no. 1 (1999): 67-77.
Journal Article
Otoide, Valentine, Frank Oronsaye, and Friday Okonofua.
Why Nigerian adolescents seek abortion rather than contraception: evidence from focus-group discussions
International Family Planning Perspectives (2001).
Journal Article
Lugina, Helen I, Kyllike Christensson, Siriel Massawe, Lennarth Nystrom, and Gunilla Lindmark.
Change in maternal concerns during the 6 weeks postpartum period: a study of primiparous mothers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Journal of Midwifery \& Women’s Health 46, no. 4 (2001): 248-257.
Journal Article
Okonofua, E, Larsen, F Oronsaye, Snow, and Slanger.
The association between female genital cutting and correlates of sexual and gynaecological morbidity in Edo State, Nigeria
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics \& Gynaecology 109, no. 10 (2002): 1089-1096.
Journal Article
Larsen, U., and F. E Okonofua.
Female circumcision and obstetric complications
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 77, no. 3 (2002): 255-265.
Journal Article
Okonofua, F E, U Larsen, F Oronsaye, R C Snow, and T E Slanger.
The association between female genital cutting and correlates of sexual and gynaecological morbidity in Edo State, Nigeria
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics \& Gynaecology 109, no. 10 (2002): 1089-1096.
Journal Article
Mitsunaga, Tisha M, Ulla M Larsen, and Friday C Okonofua.
Risk factors for complications of induced abortions in Nigeria
Journal of Women's Health 14, no. 6 (2005): 515-528.
Journal Article
Shittu, Oladapo, Clara Ejembi, Sunday Adaji, Mohammed Abdul, Suleiman Idris, Binta Abdulkarim, Mairo Mandara, Ndola Prata, Daniel Perlman, and Friday Okonofua.
The current state of reproductive health in rural northern Nigeria in the context of the pursuit of the MDGs: Perspectives from a community-based research training program
African Journal of Reproductive Health 14, no. 3s1 (2010): 15-18.
Journal Article
Sunguya, Bruno, Krishna Poudel, Keiko Otsuka, Junko Yasuoka, Linda Mlunde, David Urassa, Namala Mkopi, and Masamine Jimba.
Undernutrition among HIV-positive children in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: antiretroviral therapy alone is not enough
BMC public health 11, no. 1 (2011): 869-0.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ramadhani, Fatima.
Midwives’ competency for implementation of active management of third stage of labor in Dar es salaam municipal hospitals, Tanzania
Master of Critical care and Trauma in Nursing, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences , 2011.
Journal Article
Ogu, Rosemary, Friday Okonofua, Afolabi Hammed, Edoja Okpokunu, Abudukarim Mairiga, and Abubakar Bako.
Outcome of an intervention to improve the quality of private sector provision of postabortion care in northern Nigeria
International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics (2012).
Showing 1-13 of 13