
Showing 1-5 of 5
Working Paper
Punt, Cecilia, Kalie Pauw, Esther Mohube, Benedict Gilimani, Lillian Rantho, Rosemary Leaver, Scott McDonald, Lindsay Chant, and Christine Valente. "Household expenditure patterns in South Africa -1995." PROVIDE Project Background Paper (2003).
Journal Article
Pauw, Kalie, Cecilia Punt, Melt van Schoor, Benedict Gilimani, Lillian Rantho, Scott McDonald, Lindsay Chant, and Christine Valente. "Creating a 2000 IES-LFS database in Stata." PROVIDE Technical Paper Series (2005).
Journal Article
Mlatsheni, Cecilia Murray, and Leibbrandt. "Youth unemployment in South Africa: Challenges, concepts and opportunities." Journal of International Relations and Development 14, no. 1 (2011): 118-126.
Journal Article
García-Penalosa, Cecilia, and Maty Konte. "Why are women less democratic than men? Evidence from sub-saharan African countries." World Development (2014).
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