
Showing 1-18 of 18
Thesis or Dissertation
Kabiru W, Caroline. "Condom use among Kenyan high school students." PhD, University of North Carolina, 2005.
Van de Poel, Ellen, Ahmad R Hosseinpoor, Caroline Jehu-Appiah, and Niko Speybroeck. Malnutrition and Socioeconomic Gaps in Malnutrition in Ghana. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Department of Applied Economics Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2006.
Working Paper
Devey, Richard, Caroline Skinner, and Imraan Valodia. "Second best? Trends and linkages in the informal economy in South Africa." Development Policy Research Unit , no. 06/102 (2006).
Journal Article
Van de Poel, Ellen, Ahmad R Hosseinpoor, Caroline Jehu-Appiah, Jeanette Vega, and Niko Speybroeck. "Malnutrition and the disproportional burden on the poor: the case of Ghana." International Journal for Equity in Health 6, no. 21 (2007): 0-0.
Journal Article
Kabiru, Caroline W, and Pamela Orpinas. "Factors associated with sexual activity among high-school students in Nairobi, Kenya." Journal of adolescence 32, no. 4 (2009): 1023-1039.
Journal Article
Kabiru, Caroline W, and Pamela Orpinas. "Correlates of condom use among male high school students in Nairobi, Kenya." Journal of School Health 79, no. 9 (2009): 425-432.
Journal Article
Beguy, Donatien, Caroline Kabiru, Eliya Zulu, and Alex C Ezeh. "Timing and sequencing of events marking the transition to adulthood in two informal settlements in Nairobi, Kenya." Journal of Urban Health (2011).
Journal Article
Paintain, Lucy S, Gifty D Antwi, Caroline Jones, Esther Amoako, Rose O Adjei, Nana A Afrah, Brian Greenwood, Daniel Chandramohan, Harry Tagbor, and Jayne Webster. "Intermittent screening and treatment versus intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy: Provider knowledge and acceptability." PloS one 6, no. 8 (2011): e2403-0.
Thesis or Dissertation
Stapleton, Caroline. "The highs and lows on BMI: Analysing the impact of BMI on labour market outcomes in South Africa." Honours thesis, University of Cape Town, 2013.
Working Paper
Stapleton, Caroline. "The migrant network effect: An empirical analysis of rural-to-urban migration in South Africa." ERSA Working Paper 504 , no. 504 (2015).
Journal Article
Erdmann, Friederike, Danuta Kielkowski, Sara J Schonfeld, Patricia Kellett, Martin Stanulla, Caroline Dickens, Peter Kaatsch, Elvira Singh, and Joachim Schüz. "Childhood cancer incidence patterns by race, sex and age for 2000–2006: A report from the South African National Cancer Registry." International Journal of Cancer 136, no. 11 (2015): 2628-2639.
Journal Article
Picton, Anabela C, Maria Paximadis, Richard E Chaisson, Neil A Martinson, and Caroline T Tiemessen. "CXCR6 gene characterization in two ethnically distinct South African populations and association with viraemic disease control in HIV-1-infected black South African individuals." Clinical Immunology (2017).
Working Paper
Rogan, Michael, and Caroline Skinner. "The nature of the South African informal sector as reflected in the Quarterly Labour-Force Survey, 2008-2014." REDI3x3 Working paper 28 , no. 28 (2017).
Working Paper
Skinner, Caroline, and Gareth Haysom. "Informal food retail and food security in Africa: Myths and facts." Consuming Urban Poverty Policy Brief No.1 (2018).
Journal Article
Saxena, Akshar, Nicholas Stacey, Paula Puech, Caroline Mudara, Karen Hofman, and Stephane Verguet. "The distributional impact of taxing sugar-sweetened beverages: Findings from an extended cost-effectiveness analysis in South Africa." BMJ Global Health 4, no. 4 (2019).
Working Paper
Rogan, Michael, and Caroline Skinner. "The Covid-19 crisis and the South African informal economy ‘Locked out’ of livelihoods and employment." NIDS-CRAM Working Paper , no. 10 (2020).
Journal Article
Kihato, Caroline, Sarah de Villiers, Sumayya Mohamed, and Bonolo Mohulatsi. "Spatial Injustice in Johannesburg in the Time of COVID-19." Current History 120, no. 826 (2021): 178-182.
Working Paper
Rogan, Michael, and Caroline Skinner. "The COVID-19 crisis and the South African informal economy: A stalled recovery." WIDER Working Paper (2022).
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