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Journal Article
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Book Section
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Esquivel, Valeria, Debbie Budlender, Nancy Folbre, and Indira Hirway. "Explorations: Time-use surveys in the south." Feminist Economics 14, no. 3 (2008): 107-152.
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Journal Article
Moller, Valerie. "South Africa’s emergent “social indicators movement”." Social Indicators Research 41, no. 1 (1997): 1-14.
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Moller, Valerie. "Household satisfaction: Past, present and future Perspectives." Development Southern Africa 13, no. 2 (1996): 237-254.
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Moller, Valerie. "Perceptions of fortune and misfortune in older South African households: Social assistance and the `good life'." Social Indicators Research 111, no. 3 (2013): 633-664.
Journal Article
Moller, Valerie, and Richard Devey. "Trends in living conditions and satisfaction among poorer older South Africans: Objective and subjective indicators of quality of life in the October Household Survey." Development Southern Africa 20, no. 4 (2003): 457-476.
Book Section
Yates, Robert, Christine Kirunga Tashobya, Valeria Oliveira Cruz, Barbara McPake, Freddie Ssengooba, Grace Murindwa, Peter Lochoro, Juliet Bataringaya, Hanif Nazerali, and Francis Omaswa. "Health systems reforms in Uganda: processes and outputs." The Ugandan health systems reforms: miracle or mirage? (2006).
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