
Showing 1-4 of 4
Working Paper
Hofmeyr, Clare, Nicola Branson, and Murray Leibbrandt. "The matric certificate is still valuable in the labour market." Econ3x3 (2013).
Website Document
Dinkelman, Taryn, Vimal Ranchhod, and Clare Hofmeyr. "Enforcement and compliance: the case of minimum wages and mandatory contracts for domestic workers." (0).
Journal Article
Branson, Nicola, Clare Hofmeyr, and David Lam. "Progress through school and the determinants of school dropout in South Africa." Development Southern Africa 31, no. 1 (2014): 106-126.
Journal Article
Graffy, Jonathan, Clare Goodhart, Karen Sennett, Gloria Kamusiime, and Herbert Tukamushaba. "Young people's perspectives on the adoption of preventive measures for HIV/AIDS, malaria and family planning in South-West Uganda: focus group study." BMC Public Health 12, no. 1 (2012): 1022-0.
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