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Wright, Gemma, Michael Noble, Helen Barnes , and Stefan Noble.
The South African index of multiple deprivation for children 2007 at municipality level
Pretoria, South Africa: Department of Social Development, 2009.
Noble, Michael, Helen Barnes, Gemma Wright, and Stefan Noble.
The Old Age Grant: A sub-provincial analysis of eligibility and take up in January 2004
Pretoria, South Africa: National Department of Social Development, 2006.
Dercon, Stefan.
Insurance against poverty
Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2004.
Working Paper
Dercon, Stefan.
Vulnerability: A micro perspective
Ayalew, Daniel, Stefan Dercon, and Pramila Krishnan.
Working paper series
Oxford, United Kingdom: Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford, 2000.
Barnes, Helen, Gemma Wright, Michael Noble , and Andrew Dawes.
The South African index of multiple deprivation for children: Census 2001
Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC Press, 2007.
Wright, Gemma, Michael Noble, and Wiseman Magasela.
Towards a democratic definition of poverty: Socially perceived necessities in South Africa
Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC Press, 2007.
Noble, Michael, Chris Dibben , and Gemma Wright.
The South African index of multiple deprivation 2007 at datazone level
Pretoria, South Africa: Department of Social Development, 2010.
Journal Article
Noble, Michael, Gemma Wright, and Lucie Cluver.
Developing a child-focused and multidimensional model of child poverty for South Africa
Journal of Children & Poverty 12, no. 1 (2006): 39-53.
Working Paper
Barnes, Helen, Michael Noble, Chris Dibben, Charles Meth, Gemma Wright, and Lucie Cluver.
South Africa microdata scoping study
Centre for the Analysis of South African Social Policy Working Paper No. 6 , no. 6 (2007).
Barnes, Helen, David McLennan, Michael Noble, and Gemma Wright.
Exploring the quality of income data in two South African household surveys which underpin SAMOD
Conference Paper
May, Julian, Ingrid Woolard, and Stefan Klasen.
The nature and measurement of poverty and inequality
Poverty and inequality in South Africa: Meeting the challenge.
Dercon, Stefan.
Poverty dynamics in Africa: The impact of economic reforms on rural households in Ethiopia: A study from 1989 to1995
Washington, United States of America: The World bank, 2002.
Journal Article
Dercon, Stefan.
Growth and shocks: Evidence from rural Ethiopia
Journal of Development Economics (2004).
Journal Article
Dercon, Stefan, and Pramila Krishnan.
Income portfolios in rural Ethiopia and Tanzania: Choices and constraints
Journal of Development Studies 32, no. 6 (1996): 850-8-0.
Working Paper
Dercon, Stefan, and Pramila Krishnan.
Changes in poverty in rural Ethiopia 1989-1995: Measurement, robustness tests and decomposition
The Centre for the Study of African Economies Working Paper Series , no. 71 (1998).
Working Paper
Dercon, Stefan, John Hoddinott, and Tassew Woldehanna.
Growth and chronic poverty: Evidence from rural communities in Ethiopia
CSAE Working Paper WPS/2011-18 (2011).
Journal Article
Dercon, Stefan, and Pramila Krishnan.
Vulnerability, seasonality and poverty in Ethiopia
Journal of Development Studies 36, no. 6 (2000): 25-53-0.
Journal Article
Dercon, Stefan.
Economic reform, growth and the poor: Evidence from rural Ethiopia
Journal of Development Economics 81, no. 1 (2006): 1 - 2-0.
Journal Article
Dercon, Stefan, and Pramila Krishnan.
In sickness and in health: Risk sharing within households in rural Ethiopia
SSRN eLibrary 108, no. 4 (2000): 0-0.
Dercon, Stefan, and Pramila Krishnan.
Poverty and survival strategies in Ethiopia during economic reform
Oxford, United Kingdom: Centre for the Study of African Economies, Department of Economics, University of Oxford , 2000.
Dercon, Stefan.
Impact of economic reforms on households in rural Ethiopia 1989-1995
Journal Article
Dercon, Stefan.
On market integration and liberalisation: Method and application to Ethiopia
Journal of Development Studies 32, no. 1 (1995): 112-1-0.
Journal Article
Dercon, Stefan, John Hoddinott, and Tassew Woldehanna.
Vulnerability and shocks in 15 Ethiopian villages, 1999-2004
Food Policy , no. April (2005).
Journal Article
Dercon, Stefan.
Shocks and consumption in 15 Ethiopian villages, 1999-2004
Journal of African Economies 14, no. 4 (2005): 559-585.
Working Paper
Dercon, Stefan, and John Hoddinott.
Livelihoods, growth, and links to market towns in 15 Ethiopian villages
Working Paper
Dercon, Stefan, and Cesar Calvo.
Vulnerability to poverty
CSAE WPS/2007-03 (2007).
Working Paper
Ayalew Ali, Daniel, Stefan Dercon, and Madhur Gautam.
Property rights in a very poor country: tenure insecurity and investment in Ethiopia
Working Paper
Dercon, Stefan, and Daniel Ayalew.
Land rights, power and trees in rural Africa
Journal Article
Dercon, Stefan, and Andrew Ayalew.
Where have all the soldiers gone: Demobilization and reintegration in Ethiopia
World Development 26, no. 9 (1998): 1661 -0.
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