
Showing 1-3 of 3
Zuze, Linda, Vijay Reddy, Mariette Visser, Lolita Winnaar, and Ashika Govender. TIMSS 2015 grade 9 national report: Understanding mathematics and science achievement amongst grade 9 learners in South Africa. : Human Sciences Research Council, 2018.
Reddy, Vijay, Tia Linda Zuze, Mariette Visser, Lolita Winnaar, Andrea Juan, Cas Prinsloo, Fabian Arends, and Shawn Rogers. Beyond benchmarks: What twenty years of TIMSS data tell us about South African education. : Human Sciences Research Council, 2015.
Journal Article
Winnaar, L D, G Frempong, and R Blignaut. "Understanding school effects in South Africa using multilevel analysis: Findings from TIMSS 2011." Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology (2015).
Showing 1-3 of 3